



There are a number of opportunities to play badminton with us.

Barnhill St. Margaret’s Hall

Meet on Mondays and Thursdays at 2.00pm from September to March.  

Players of all ages, beginners or experienced are welcome.

Queen Street East Halls

Ladies Badminton Club – Meets every Wednesday morning in the Queen Street East Halls, from 9.45am – 11.45am.

Saturday Badminton – Meets in the large hall of Queen Street East on Saturday evenings from 7.30pm –  9.30pm. All welcome to join our group.  Will be re-starting in September.

For further information contact Ann McMillan: 01382 477566

Bereavement Friendship Group

Supportive friendship for those who have been bereaved.

This group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month, 2pm – generally in Barnhill St Margaret’s Hall.

date to be confirmed

For further information, please contact the office who will pass on any enquiries:

Book Club 

Held at Barnhill St Margaret’s, we meet the second Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in meeting Room 1 in the Church Hall. New members are most welcome. 

For further information please contact Norma McDonald:


Bridge Club meets on Thursdays 1.30pm – 4.00pm in the St Aidan’s Centre. We play friendly games, with advice on simple bidding and play available on request. All members of the public are welcome to join our sessions.

Broughty Ferry Bridge Club 

This club meets on Mondays from 6.45pm to approximately 9.30 pm in St. Aidan’s Centre.  The club runs from September to end of May. 

 For further information please contact Sue Williamson:

Bible Study

Barnhill St. Margaret’s

Monday afternoons every other week from 2.00pm in the hall meeting room at Barnhill St. Margaret’s.  For more information please contact Irene Bennett: Our next meeting will be Monday 16 September 2024.

Broughty Ferry Churches Group

Wednesdays 7.30pm – 9.00 pm in St. Aidan’s Centre. Our first meeting of the new session will be Wednesday 11 September 2024.

For more information please contact Graham Wightman via :

Carpet Bowling

Come along and join our friendly group for a little gentle exercise. No experience necessary, just bring a pair of soft shoes and a sense of humour. We meet every Thursday from 1.30pm in the large hall, Queen Street East Building.

Coffee and Chat

Held at Barnhill St. Margaret’s Church hall, our new session of Coffee and Chat will start on Wednesday 11 September. We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces. Come along and enjoy FREE coffee/tea and a piece of delicious cake or a scone. Enjoy some great company, a chance to meet up with old friends or make some new ones.

Everyone welcome.

Craft Group

The craft group meet on Friday afternoons in Barnhill St Margaret’s Church hall from 2.15pm for craft, coffee and chat. The group make craft items for the Church outreach projects, Church coffee mornings and other local charities. Bring along your own craft project to work on in the first instance.

Embroidery Group

This group is the remnants of a class that used to meet at Dundee College where we had a tutor. 

Now we just meet to stitch and chat (not necessarily in that order!) and there is no teacher.

People do a wide variety of textile and needlework from traditional stitching to felting and applique. Some do crochet and knitting. We give each other advice when asked. At present there are a dozen in the group.

We meet on a Thursday from 10.00am – 12.30pm in the Session Room at Barnhill St. Margaret’s.  

For further information please contact Kate Grocott:  


The Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action. With around 11,000 members, the Guild is one of Scotland’s largest voluntary organisations. 

The Guild offers members friendship, caring and support and is open to all women and men. We have annual fundraising events such as a coffee morning and a concert. Money raised is donated to designated Guild projects, our own church and some local charities. Headquarters give us a strategy to think about and for the next three years this is Let Us Build a House with a particular emphasis for the 24/25 session on Sure Foundations.  

We welcome visitors to all meetings.

Broughty Ferry Parish Church currently has two ‘Guilds’ which work together to provide opportunities for everyone to meet in fellowship.  They meet on alternate Tuesday afternoons at 2.00pm from September to March.

 BFPC Barnhill St. Margaret’s

Meet in the Church hall (enter from Guthrie Terrace)

For further information please contact Chris Johnston: 01382 477739 or

The syllabus for 2024/25 can be found here

BFPC Queen Street East

The venue for 2024/25 session is still to be decided.

Further information available from June Anderson:  please contact who will pass on enquiries.

The syllabus for 2024/2025 can be found here

 We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Guild. 

Heart for Art

Heart for Art is a Church of Scotland ‘Crossreach’ initiative to promote creativity, self-worth and achievement among people with dementia, while providing friendship and support for their carers. 

Heart for Art meets fortnightly in the large hall at Queen Street East from 2.00pm – 4.00pm on Wednesday.

For further information please contact Harry Black: 07739795555 or

Mens Group

Our Men’s Group started at Barnhill St Margaret’s during COVID lockdown, providing an opportunity for regular social contact for men in the congregation. Our meetings were initially virtual, but as conditions eased we were able to transition to normal, face-to-face activities. 

We meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month. Sometimes we visit a museum, or have a guest speaker, or have lunch or simply visit a cafe for a chat. The Men’s Group is open to all and we welcome new members.

Our next meeting will be in October. Details to be confirmed.

For further information please contact Graham McKee:


Invented in the USA in 1965,  pickleball is at present the fastest growing sport in the world. It is a pacy racquet sport, described as a mixture between tennis, badminton and table tennis, often played on a badminton court. It is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes called a wiffle.

Pickleball is fun, social and friendly; the rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game.

Our group meet at the Queen Street East main hall on Monday from 7.00pm until 8.45pm approx.

During the summer months, on fine evenings, we play on the esplanade courts, beside the Glass Pavillion.  We are a friendly group of ladies, most of whom are members of Broughty Ferry  Parish Church.  We enjoy occasional social evenings out for meals

 At present, unfortunately we have no vacancies available.

For further information please contact Dawn Rourke: or 07779676523


We are a small informal group of mixed abilities and everyone is welcome. The group will recommence on 28th August. The group runs on a Wednesday afternoon in the Queen Street East small hall between 1.45pm and 3.15pm. 

For further information please contact Kate Reid:

Wednesday Cafe

Held at Barnhill St Margaret’s Church Hall. Our Cafe will be open on the dates below between 12 noon and 2.00pm serving soup with crusty bread, sandwiches and homebakes. 

Cafe opening dates:  18 September, 2 October, 16 October, 6 November 20 November, 4 December & 18 December.

With Refugees Broughty Ferry (WRBF)

WRBF is a group of volunteers working to help refugees displaced by war or the threat of war. We started in 2016 in response to the wave of refugees arriving in Europe as a result of war in the Middle East, and since then have helped refugees from Ukraine as well as supporting asylum seekers. We operate as an enabler, linking volunteers with opportunities to support refugees at home and overseas, whether in conversation classes, in sports or social events, and in providing clothing and other items. WRBF grew out of the Broughty Ferry Churches and is supported by the Broughty Ferry Churches Group.

We are looking for new volunteers for interesting and rewarding work!

For further information please contact Graham McKee:

Where no specific contact details are given in the group or activity description, further information can be provided by contacting the Church Office at or 01382 737294

…..  and also

In addition to the above activities, we have a number of different clubs and groups running from our Church buildings.  If further information is required about any of these activities please contact the group directly.

Craig Sinclair Guitar Tuition Information     [BSM]

MC Dance Academy Information [BSM]

Tayside Ballroom and Sequence Dancing Information [BSM]

Tenshinkan Ecosse Karate Information [QSE]

BSM – Barnhill St. Margaret’s 

QSE – Queen Street East 

St. A – St. Aidan’s 

St. J  – St. James